
Daichi Curry is a doshu assisting Seishin Fitterer with the activities of Celestial Drum Tendai Sangha in Indian Lake, New York. He was ordained in 2010. Seishin introduced him to Tendai and remains his sensei. His sangha activities include leading Meditation Service once a month where he has been leading discussions on issues practicing Buddhists face in the challenging culture of America today. He also assists in material support of the Sangha.

In the years prior to his ordination he was a country lawyer who was elected to several terms as the District Attorney of Hamilton County New York.

In 2015 he traveled to Japan to make and complete the 88 temple pilgrimage on the island of Shikoku. The pilgrimage and his concurrent introduction to Japan and its culture imbued him with affection and fascination with all things Japanese. In Japan he acquired a new and deeper perspective on Tendai Buddhism that he attempts to pass on to the Sangha.

He is a confirmed dog lover and something of a geriatric gym rat. He is fiercely proud of his wife and daughter. And every day he is planning his next journey to Japan.