Jiunzan Tendaiji

Wednesday Evening Meditation Service Discussions

2 The Four Noble Truths

9 Stillness as a Peace Practice

16 Do Buddhists Need a Sabbath?

30 Kodo – The Way of Incense

November Events

5 Morning Service, 8:30 a.m.; Survey of Buddhism Class: We continue examining the Vimilakirti Sutra, 9 – 10:30 a.m.

12 Yakushi Nyorai, (Medicine Buddha) One-Day Retreat. This is an opportunity to spend more time in meditation and chanting practice as well as with teachings involving the Healing Buddha, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. There will be no Mahasangha Sunday this month due to the Sangha trip to Japan.

Seven Sangha members will accompany Monshin and Shumon on a trip to Japan this month to visit and express our thanks to some of our friends there who have been so supportive and helpful in our development. While on Mt. Hiei they will perform the Daily Service in English.

The October Shikan retreat was a great combination of practices, meditations and teachings. In addition to Shien (Flo) and Yudo (Burt) we were joined by Shinsen (Courtney) from North Carolina, Peter from New Hampshire and Jacob from Georgia. We thank all the participants for their spirit and perseverance.

Thank you to Chion Lissabet for his generous gift of a magnificent Hora-gai (conch shell). You will hear its luxuriant tones in the coming years.

November 8th is your chance to exercise your right to choose your local leaders. It is an off year election; people often do not give these elections the attention they deserve. Get out and vote.

Tendai Buddhist Institute has published Tendai Buddhist Services for Ordained Practitioners completing several year’s work by New York Tendai-shu Betsuin doshu and soryo to produce the first authorized English translation of these texts. The initial work was begun by Ichishima-sensei with Monshin’s assistance while Monshin was studying in Japan. Attention now focuses on producing a Handbook for Tendai Buddhist Lay Practitioners, which will include information on Tendai history, philosophy, teachings and practices This publication, too, is expected to take some time to complete. As sections are finished, they will be mounted on the www. tendai.org website to make them immediately available.